Harbor House


Your support enables us to empower individuals with disabilities and their families to lead fulfilled and productive lives.

Feather & Friends Gala Donations

We are currently seeking donations for our Feathers and Friends Silent Auction. This can include anything from gift baskets, tickets, branded “swag,” electronics, jewelry, bourbon, gift cards and more! If you work at a company that is interested in donating, or you are interested in donating as an individual, please reach out to Chelsea McCarty at [email protected] or call 502-719-0072 ext. 520.

Corporate Sponsors

There are a variety of ways that corporate sponsors can play a role in our organization from operations to special events and other events. For more information see our sponsorship page.

Financial Donations

As a 501c3 Charitable Non-Profit all of your donations are tax deductible. We appreciate your support of the services and mission of Harbor House.

Kroger Community

Kroger is committed to helping our communities grow and prosper. Year after year, local schools, churches and other nonprofit organizations will earn millions of dollars through Kroger Community Rewards. Kroger Community Rewards makes fundraising easy. All you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card!

Amazon Items Wishlist

AmazonSmile Charity List is a meaningful and easy way for you to shop and donate items directly to Harbor House. Simply add items from our list to your cart, and check out it’s that easy. Click here to start your shopping cart.

Matching Programs

Did you know your company may be a part of a Matching Gift Program? Matching gifts are a type of giving program that is set up by companies and corporations as an employee benefit. After an employee donates to a nonprofit, they can submit a matching gift request to their employer and the company will make an additional donation to that nonprofit.

For Harbor House to receive a matching gift, donors just have to submit a request to their employers. If your gift and our organization qualify, your company will send you a check for the same amount (or larger depending on the corporation’s matching gift program).

For more questions on being apart of this program contact [email protected]